Make a Difference

The Jewish Foundation for Rural Communities relies on the generosity of donors to support our mission of fostering goodwill and creating opportunities between Jewish people and rural communities. Your donation directly funds essential initiatives, from supporting local 4-H clubs and Future Farmers of America to providing scholarships and micro-grants for small businesses in rural areas. Each contribution, no matter the size, helps build lasting relationships and empowers communities to thrive.

By donating to the foundation, you are helping honor the legacy of Jewish individuals who were aided by rural communities during times of need. Your support promotes understanding and collaboration, showing how Jewish values of kindness and generosity can create positive change in both urban and rural settings. Your gift enables us to continue our outreach and expand our efforts to more communities in the future.

Join us in making a meaningful impact. Every dollar counts and every donation brings us closer to our goal of building stronger, more connected communities. To make your donation today, click the link below. Thank you for being a part of this important work.

Donate Now


As a 501c3, we are 100% tax deductible.

We rely on our donors and friends to spread the message. Please share our mission with other people who will resonate.

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to to PO Box 92631 Austin, TX, 78709